Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One Week from Today . . . Election Day . . . Tuesday, April 5

Tuesday, March 29th

In a very short period of time voters will decide who will represent District 1 on the Madison Common Council.

In the past thirteen weeks, I have personally knocked on over 1,400 doors, attended neighborhood and homeowner association meetings, participated in candidate forums, and I have been a part of Saturday morning coffee talks.  I have enjoyed the opportunity to learn about what is important to residents of District 1 and I have received many great ideas and suggestions. 

Moving forward I urge residents to continue to be engaged in the local process.  Please consider attending Common Council Meetings, Committee Meetings, and especially, please participate in public comment meetings for our upcoming budget.

Finally, please vote on April 5th and then on April 6th, begin to hold all of your locally elected officials accountable.  We need to stay engaged now more than ever.

Thank you for your time, and I hope that I earn your vote on Election Day!


Brian Driscoll
Candidate for District 1
Madison Common Council

The City of Madison’s Budget – State Decisions, Local Impacts

Tuesday, March 29th

Lately, we have been reading about the budget cuts proposed for local government programs.  The Wisconsin State Journal and the Capital Times have reported that our city can expect at least $11 million in cuts.  On top of this, our community has seen almost 0% growth in the local job market adding almost nothing for future revenue projections.  Conservative estimates have been stated and we could experience shortfalls of $20-25 million dollars.

This does not even take into account the impacts on local budgets coming from the federal government.  President Obama has proposed cuts to local programs like the Community Development Block Grants, and the House of Representatives leadership has proposed even larger cuts.  So beyond what the State of Wisconsin decides, we can also expect less support from the federal government.  The amount is unknown at this point.

If I am able to represent you on the Madison Common Council my priorities will be:

Public Safety – all residents and business owners need to feel safe.  I will advocate for an increase in human resources to support our police department.

Basic Services – we need to maintain an attractive community for families to raise their kids and businesses to grow and expand their workforce.  We need good roads, and great service.

Economic Development – increasing our tax base by growing existing businesses and attracting new ones will lessen the burden on our homeowners that are currently paying more and more property taxes.

Through our budget process I will look for ways to streamline our government to increase efficiencies.  We need to look at: refinancing our current debt obligations, consolidating our procurement policies, and removing redundant programs that are already being covered by the county or the state.

My goal is to work and represent District 1 in a non-partisan and independent way.  We can work together across the entire city, across party lines and with our mayor’s office to improve the lives of our citizens.

Please feel free to contact me with any comments, concerns or questions.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time.

Brian Driscoll
Candidate for District 1
Madison Common Council

Friday, March 4, 2011

"Cocktails with the Candidate"

Thursday, March 3rd - 5:30 to 7:30pm
Babe's Sports Grill  --  http://www.babesmadison.com/

Thanks to everyone that came to Babe’s last night to enjoy cocktails and conversation.  Thanks to Owner Lynn Haker, Manager Scott Peterson and the rest of the staff.

It was great to hear about the issues our neighbors and friends care about most.  

Please join us for more events at Babe’s.  “Cocktails with the Candidate” or “Beers with Brian” will be happening again soon  --  Thursday, March 10th 5:30pm to 7:30pm. 

Also, mark your calendars for:
Thursday, March 24th
Thursday, March 31st

Hope to see you there!

Monday, February 21, 2011

One Week Ago . . . And Six Weeks To Go . . .

Brian Driscoll moves from the Primary Election and onto the General Election.

On Tuesday, February 15th the voters of District 1 decided that there was a need for an independent voice. In six weeks, on April 5th, voters will again make a decision on who will represent them on the City of Madison Common Council.   As voters decide who will best represent all voices - conservative, liberal, moderate, and progressive - I hope that you will vote for Brian Driscoll to do the job as Alder of District 1 on the Madison Common Council.

I have laid out my thoughts on the issues that our neighbors and friends have shared with me. 

For more information please visit other posts on this blog:

Public Safety:

Community Development:


In the coming weeks, I will be adding more posts, and sharing more about what is going on in District 1.  Please contact me at:  DriscollforDistrict1@gmail.com with any thoughts, questions, or concerns.

Thank you.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Budget & Taxes

Too many neighbors and friends in District 1 feel that our taxes are increasing too quickly.  In our next budget process we need to push for more public engagement and involvement.  I would support several public meetings during the budget process from June until November.  I would hope we can hear from citizens in all areas of the city, including District 1.

My budget priorities are:

Public Safety
Basic Services
Economic Development

Public safety dollars need to maintained or even grown for the next budget.  Homeowners and business owners in District 1 are asking for increased attention to their safety concerns.  There is a need to increase police visibility in targeted areas, and there is also a need for an increase in human resource support for neighborhood liaison officers to work with citizen groups like our neighborhood watch and business districts.

Basic services such as: recycling, refuse pick-up, and snow plowing need to be maintained or even strengthened through increased efficiency.  There is especially a need for greater attention to residents of District 1. 

Economic development, specifically supporting the existing businesses in our city is most important.  Besides supporting our existing businesses we need to attract new businesses to our city.  We will need to accomplish this so that we can continue to grow of our tax base.

We will be facing a challenging budget.  The State of Wisconsin will likely change the funding formulas for local units of government.  The City of Madison’s debt service payments will be increasing in 2011-2012.  Revenue projections throughout the state are optimistically higher than last year but we must be prepared for another year of nearly flat growth.  When you combine all of these elements, there is potential for serious a conversation about our shared priorities. 

The City of Madison will likely have three choices:

Raise taxes
Cut services and staff
Increase revenues

I believe that raising our taxes is off the table.  For too long we have seen an increase in taxes without an increase in quality of service in District 1. 

I would hope that we would not have to cut services and staff, but we must be open to all ideas when accurate revenue projections are calculated.

I believe we must grow ourselves out of this difficult situation.  We must re-engage with the business community and work together to find public-private partnerships that will enhance our opportunities.  When we are able to help grow existing businesses, and attract new businesses we will be increasing the opportunities for business owners and our workforce.  This will alleviate part of the strain on our city's residents.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Beers with Brian”

Thursday, February 3, 2011 5:30 to 7:30pm

Babe’s Sports Grill -- http://www.babesmadison.com/

Thanks again to Owner Lynn Haker and Manager Scott Peterson for hosting “Beers with Brian.”  It was another great night!  Many residents from District 1 were at Babe’s enjoying the evening and staying away from the cold Wisconsin winter for a few hours.  Again, popular topics of the night included: public safety and basic services.

We’ve got one more event before the Primary on Tuesday, February 15th.

Hope you can join us next week!

“Cocktails with the Candidate” -- Thursday, February 11, 2011 5:30 to 7:30pm at Babe’s Sports Grill.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Economic Development – creating public-private partnerships to find common ground

This is the second blog post in a series.  The first blog post focused on Public Safety.  Other posts will discuss: Communication, and the Budget/Taxes.

Economic Development – creating public-private partnerships to find common ground

Pragmatism, common sense, logic.  These are words that I continue to hear from homeowners and business owners in District 1.  The City of Madison can improve its standing in the Greater Madison Business Community.  First steps would include: more proactive dialogue with stakeholders; continued conversations with businesses that would be impacted positively or negatively by a new or changing code/ordinance; and finding common ground between development and regulation.

A new Planning and Development Director will be starting in a few weeks.  Mr. Steve Cover brings a wealth of knowledge from both the public and private sectors.  Mr. Cover introduced himself at the January 18th Common Council meeting.  At this meeting he focused on how city staff should find ways to say “yes” while working with existing businesses and new businesses looking to locate in Madison.

I appreciate this mindset  - searching for common ground, using common sense, and finding ways to say “yes.”  This all sounds great.  I would look forward to working with Mr. Cover and other city staff to improve the economic development opportunities for businesses and workers in District 1. 

Also, near District 1, there is a new development in the works.  The new “Research Park 2” has begun with infrastructure improvements.  Soon we will be seeing physical structures being built that will house the businesses and researchers of tomorrow.  I will do all that I can to support this wonderful economic engine on our southwest side.  Creating bio-tech, clean-tech and next generation medical companies in Madison will continue to grow the job opportunities for residents.

We must remember, we are just beginning to come out of a major recession.  Many families and businesses are still struggling.  We must do everything we can, within reason, to help businesses create high-quality, family-supporting jobs for Madisonians.

Next week's topic - Budget/Taxes